Below is a list of current training and consulting workshops Competitive Edge Consulting, Inc., specializes in.

Public Speaking - Motivational and informative speeches on a variety of management related topics that engage and leave audiences wanting more.
Diversity Inclusiveness - Understanding and utilizing the unique contributions of all employees, customers and suppliers by creating an inclusive work environment.
Team Building & Leadership - An interactive framework that trains theory in conjunction with experiential indoor/outdoor activities to cement team relationships.
Strategic Planning - Facilitation for key stakeholders to achieve strategic goals by creating, defining and accomplishing milestones through action-oriented teams.
Career Development - Establishing and improving career mapping for each employee so both the individual and the organization evolve and become more successful.
Management Skills - Enhancing the workforce by developing Leadership Skills, Managing, Change, Managing Change, Strategic Planning, Coaching and Understanding DiSC© Behavioral Styles.
Facilitation and Meeting Effectiveness - Creating an environment for heightened group engagement by effectively managing group dynamics and utilizing proven meeting effectiveness tools.
Conference Workshops - Workshops can be designed to any length of time to meet your specific needs: ranging from 75 - 90 minute sessions, up to full week organizational training experiences.
HR Solutions - If you are an HR Professional or in need of HR services, look no further for "value-added" HR Solutions such as 360º feedback with focus group sessions!

It would benefit all employees to attend this class.
AZ Dept of CorrectionsIt helps to periodically consider these issues to make sure that diversity becomes a true reality.
NAWBOReminded me of the importance of diversity, educated me about the groups of people that can inhibit/cause diversity, and motivated me to be more of a change agent.
AZ Dept. of EEOI learned to try to see through the labels that we tend to place on people and finding the value that lies within.
AZ Game & FishIt is important for me to realize the different individuals I work with and to have an open mind.
AZ Hunger Council