Home :: Services :: Facilitation
Goal: Creating an environment for heightened group engagement by the use of tools and exercises to enhance discussion and decision making.
Facilitation: Mining the thoughts and ideas of a group in a systematic fashion, so that each group member is contributing to the output in a quality manner.
Diverse ideas lead to broader possibilities in the marketplace. Understanding the differences, utilizing decision-making models and adapting processes so all members can contribute to the synergistic team output will result in more effective meetings.
- Agenda
- Ice Breakers
- Time Management
- Decision-Making Model
- Team Purpose
- Team Goals
- Accountabilities and Time Line
- Evaluation for Continuous Improvement
- Reward for Milestone Achievements
- Roles and Responsibilities
- Parking Lot
- Discussion
- Exercises
- Interactivity
- Parliamentary Procedures
Facilitation is nothing more than
"Keeping The Train on The Tracks so it can reach its Destination!"
Explore the many products and services that C.E.C.I. offers; contact us for a consultation.

Facilitation Techniques that Work!
Learning Objectives:
• The Disciplines of Facilitation
• Experience Disciplines
• Develop Meeting Template
• Learn What is Meant by Intervention
• Understand "Stages of Group"
• Develop "Process Observation Skills"
Mining Group Gold - Effective Meeting Structure
Learning Objectives:
• Create Structure
• Develop a Meeting Template
• Understand "Stages of Group"
• Learn Meeting Facilitation Techniques
• Develop "Process Observation Skills"
Coaching Employees for Success
Learning Objectives:
• Improve Development Communication
• Understand How To Give Effective Feedback
• Understand the Importance of Improvement Action Plans
• How to Conduct Performance Analysis
• Coaching or Recognition
Meeting Agenda Management Tools and Processes
Learning Objectives:
• Utilizing a Meeting Agenda Template
• Understanding the difference between Information Processing and Information Sharing
• Tightly managing meetings according to pre-determined timeframes
• Conducting engaging meetings and actualizing goals
Learning how to manage actions items so progress is made and goals are achieved
Learning Objectives:
• Implementing a Follow Up template
• Creating a process to track goals and benchmarks