About Us - Cecilia Chavez founded Competitive Edge Consulting Inc. to primarily focus on Multi-cultural Organizational Development. Her vision is to support organizations in the unleashing of creativity and innovation to attain organizational goals.
Diversity Inclusiveness - Understanding and utilizing the unique contributions of all employees, customers and suppliers by creating an inclusive work environment.
Call Center Consultation - Competitive Edge Consulting Inc. is committed to establishing effective, high performing, revenue generating call centers where systems, people, financials, and customers are in balance.
Career Development - Establishing and improving career mapping for each employee so the individual and the organization evolves and becomes more successful.
Conference Workshops - C.E.C.I. workshops can be designed to any length of time to meet your specific needs - from 75 - 90 minutes in duration for conference settings to full week Organizational Training sessions
Contact Us - We take great pride in providing our customers with excellent customer service.
Facilitation and Meeting Effectiveness - Creating an environment for heightened group engagement by effectively managing group dynamics and utilizing proven meeting effectiveness tools.
Home - Competitive Edge Consulting, Inc. is a catalyst empowering you to reach your objectives. We provide training and consulting services nationwide to a variety of industries and organization levels.
HR Solutions - If you are an HR Professional or in need of HR services, look no further for "value-added" HR Solutions!
Management Skills - Enhancing the workforce by developing Leadership Skills, Managing, Change, Strategic Planning, Coaching and Understanding behavioral Styles.
Our Clients - Some of Cecilia's clients include, AT&T, IBM, Hewlett Packard, Colorado State University, Insight, and HISPA.
Privacy Policy - Nothing is more important to Competitive Edge Consulting, Inc. than protecting the private information of visitors to our site.
Products - Offering books and DVD products that enhance our consulting services and workshops.
Public Speaking - Motivational and informative speeches on a variety of management related topics that engage and leave audiences wanting more.
Services - We provide a host of training workshops and consulting services for your corporate, government, or non-profit and educational needs.
Strategic Planning - Facilitation for key stakeholders to achieve strategic goals by creating, defining, and accomplishing milestones through action-oriented teams.
Team Building - An interactive framework that trains theory in conjunction with experiential indoor/outdoor activities to cement team relationships.