Home :: Services :: Career Development

Goal: Establishing and improving road maps for each employee so the individual and organization evolve and become more marketable.

Most successful organizations have a purpose, a plan and a vision for the future. A successful employee takes that same approach. They also have a career plan and a career purpose that begins with a vision. This template creates the synergistic engine that moves an organization from mediocre to excellent. To engage each individual, is to engage an organization to reach success. A sense of purpose or strategic plan is the building block for a successful organization.

A career map is essential in knowing:
  • Where you want to go
  • How you are going to get there
  • Who is going to connect you
  • Who is going to support you
  • When you are going to accomplish milestones
  • How to revise the plan as needed

    Tools Include:

  • Resume Writing
  • Interviewing Skills

  • Explore the many products and services that C.E.C.I. offers; contact us for a consultation.

    Designing Your Career Parachute
    Learning Objectives:
        • Preparing to Land Safely in Your Career Future
        • Understanding the Meaning of Career versus Job
        • Understand Goal-Setting

    Take Charge of Your Career
    Learning Objectives:
        • Current Trends and Implications
        • Career Template
        • Business Fields
        • Personal Excellence Audit
        • Managing Your Objective
        • Resources

    Interviewing Skills for Your Next Career Move
    Learning Objectives:
        • Build Foolproof Relationships
        • Effectively Communicate Strengths
        • Demonstrate Opportunity Related Talent and Skills
        • Follow-Up Protocol

    Resume Writing Skills - Snag That Ideal Career
    Learning Objectives:
        • Understand the Intent of a Resume
        • Ensure Your Resume is Placed in the "Schedule an Interview" File
        • Align Key Attributes With Opportunity
        • Decide on the Best Style for Target Audience
        • Ensure Accomplishment-Based Style